Q: How can I donate?
A: By selecting the Donate button on this website; sending a check to the Endowment; or contacting the Endowment Treasurer re: transfer of stocks, property, etc. and to arrange for legacy gifts in your estate planning. Q: Can I volunteer services to support the Endowment Mission? A: Certainly. Please contact a Board member to discuss a “best fit”. What is LCAMC? A: Lake City Area Medical Center. The LCAMC opened it’s doors in 1975 in 700 square feet of space provided by the Pioneer Jubilee Women’s Club. The medical clinic has been in continuous operation since then and now is part of the 13,000 square foot Moseley Health Care Complex on Henson Street. It is staffed by trained professionals and assisted by volunteer Emergency Medical Technicians. It provides emergency and primary outpatient care to residents and a growing number of visitors to Hinsdale County. It also provides school health, health education screening, health counseling, alcohol and drug screening and community service programs including Women, Infants and Children (WIC) and other social services. Q: What is the Silver Thread Public Health District?
A: STPHD is a Colorado special district serving Hinsdale and Mineral Counties providing the communities with a wide array of public and environmental health programs and services. Programs serving Lake City are eligible for Endowment grants. Q: What is the Hinsdale County EMS?
A: Hinsdale County Emergency Medical Services is a volunteer-based organization administered by Hinsdale County providing emergency medical services to the community citizens and visitors. EMS is funded by Hinsdale County property taxes. Primary charitable support for EMS is provided by Friends of EMS. EMS is also eligible for Endowment grants. |
Q: Are my donations tax deductible? A: Yes, the Endowment is a non-profit IRS 501(c)(3) organization, and depending on your tax status, donations are generally deductible. It is always wise to consult your tax advisor. Q: How much of my donation actually goes to the clinic? A: Since inception in 1997, the Endowment has been very efficient with contributions. 97.7% of contributions go to clinic grant requests or to the investment fund. In partnership with the Lake City Area Medical Center and the Lake Fork Health Service District, the Endowment has raised over $3.5M. Q: What does my donation pay for? A: Support of the Moseley Health Care Complex, Hinsdale County EMS, and the Silver Thread Public Health District. See our grant policy for more details. Most often, they are to purchase new medical or dental equipment used at the Moseley Health Care Complex. Funds not used for immediate needs are invested for growth and to maintain a strong base to address future needs. Q: What is LFHSD?
A: Lake Fork Health Service District. The LCAMC began doing business under the Lake Fork Health Service District (a special taxing district) in 2003. The LFHSD was created with the goal of stabilizing comprehensive health care service for the residents and visitors of Hinsdale County. It strives to expand the services and quality of care delivered. The Health District owns and operates all services housed in the Moseley Health Care Complex (medical, dental, other health specialties, and the education and conference center) except for EMS, which is operated by Hinsdale County. Q: What is Moseley Health Care Complex? A: Named in honor of Jack and Kathy Moseley in recognition of their generous support to bring the facility to completion in 2011. The complex is comprised of the Medical Clinic, including dental, Emergency Medical Services offices, training/meeting room, ambulance garage, and the Zeller Wellness and Conference Center. The total space is 13,000 square feet. The entire complex is equipped with 'state of the art' electronics and designed as a multi-use facility. Q: How is the Health Service District funded? A: The District is funded via: